Friday, 2 May 2014

Who creates Organization Culture ...

If the leader is an entrepreneur who is founding an organization, he or she will have the opportunity to begin the culture creation process by imposing beliefs, values, and assumptions onto new employees. If the new organization succeeds, then its cultural elements become shared and constitute the emerging culture of that organization. What is considered “ leadership ” then reflects what the founder imposed and will become the definition of what is considered appropriate leadership in that organization.
A successful organization founded by a compulsive autocrat will consider that style of leadership as the “ correct ” way to run a company, just as another successful organization founded by a participative democrat will consider that style to be “ correct. ” :~ Corp Cultura Survival Guid.

Friday, 4 October 2013

Lateral Thinking - Altering the Patterns of thought

“Lateral thinking - change the way you perceive a situation or issue - by disrupting your usual way of perceiving it. Disrupt systemic thinking – arrive at potentially better & innovative solutions.”

Friday, 19 July 2013

Organization Strategy and Change Models

Organization Strategy and Change Models – Part -1

                                        ( The McKinsey 7 S Change - Framework / Model )

Q1- Whats Organization Strategy?
A-Organization strategy is NOT Vision or Aspiration its NOT “we wish we would be Google some day” – NO.
Its supposed to be a clear definition of where the Org is headed.
It should provide clear linkage to the goals of lower levels – people and processes both.
There should be a clear link – Strategy >> Goals >> Performance.

Q2- Whats the best way to set Organizational Goals? Why do most companies see a gap between long term financials forecast and actual performance?
A-Focus on Assumptions not Forecasts. Ensure the CXO’s don’t give in to their direct reports while defining targets.
CXO Direct reports - beg for lower targets for short term goals so that they and their teams realize their variable pays / bonuses.
CXO’s on the other hand like to project tough targets for - long term.
CXO’s in this manner can ensure their own existence - having dangled long term carrots in front of external stakeholders / management boards.
The end result is – short term goals are always over achieved, resulting in payouts to incompetent CXO DR’s .
While the Long term Goals /Strategic Goals are never achieved – highlighting the gap between Strategy Forecast and Actual Performance.

Q3-Why do the Financial forecasts which are usually trend analysis basis past financial performance not on the mark ?
A- The financial forecasts are on the mark in the short term - but not so in the long term as mostly they are created without inputs from Marketing or external environments.
Also in forecasting the accuracy depends on – level of data mining and the assumptions or hypothesis being tested . Which in most cases are understated.

Q4- What are Organization Change Models? Why are they required – when are they to be utilized?
A- Org change models are utilized to bring about – structured and planned positive changes.
The need for change and reasons why these are recommended are as listed below –
1.       Performance / capability / productivity improvement.
2.       Align process and people during an M&A.
3.       To ascertain impact of changes that are yet to occur. ( Tactical / operational in nature )
4.       Determine the success of strategic plan chosen.  ( Strategic in nature )

Watch this space for more - you may write to Rohit Dhankar for further inputs . This blog post and views mentioned there in are the independent views of Rohit Dhankar ( Owner & Principal Consultant - Strategic Leadership LLC ) .

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Continually Learning Organization Framework

Continually Learning Organization

Someone once said – there is nothing more futile then providing a solution to someone who is Unsure of the Problem …
“ An organization , department or function is Learning if – as a result of its Information Processing its Potential / Future actions and behaviours are Changing…”
Thus to create a Positive Change – we need
o   Analysis – a clear understanding of where the organization is currently on its journey to being a Continually Learning Organization .
o   Diagnosis – what shall work best for such a organization , their unique needs and challenges.
o   Recommendations - Organizations Status Quo and the As Is state.
o   Desired State – to be ascertained and documented - post a series of dialogues with key stakeholders.

§  Pilot Projects / initial questions to be addressed - at this stage might be –

·         How is Knowledge Acquired – can this be bettered? If yes then to what extent and Why ?
·         How is Information Channeled – how is information distributed ?
·         How is information Utilized or Interpreted ?
·         How is the Knowledge Classified ?
·         What are the classification Criterion ? Is it usage or is it confidentiality or both ?
·         Whats the Knowledge or Information storage process – where , how and for how long is information stored ?
·         Who all has access to what all Information as and when required and post approvals ?

§  Desired Behaviors that a Learning Consultant , would like to push for and inculcate at this stage of the intervention would be –

·         Ensure that the Org Learning Processes are such that they – provide continous learning opportunities
·         Promotes a culture of open dialogue and enquiry – helps employees ask the question why ?
·         Provides opportunities to collaborate and learn in groups or teams.
·         Empowers employees at various levels to be able to think together , plan & execute together  what has been learnt - in a collaborative manner.
·         The learners are connected to the external environment and have access to relevant – industry best practices
·         Senior Leadership is seen openly sponsoring the journey towards being a - Continually Learning Organization .

§  Is the Learning Strategy or Learning Plan – really impacting Org Level Productivity measures . Is there a ROI ?

·         Can we gather data and correlate the same with –
o   Total New Products produced or Services Commissioned .
o   Project costs – Increased or Decreased.
o   Project overruns – isolated effect , linked to lack of knowledge or skills .
o   Employee engagement measures – where specific to learning inputs are measured.

Write to Rohit Dhankar for further understanding the Continually Learning Organization framework …