Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Continually Learning Organization Framework

Continually Learning Organization

Someone once said – there is nothing more futile then providing a solution to someone who is Unsure of the Problem …
“ An organization , department or function is Learning if – as a result of its Information Processing its Potential / Future actions and behaviours are Changing…”
Thus to create a Positive Change – we need
o   Analysis – a clear understanding of where the organization is currently on its journey to being a Continually Learning Organization .
o   Diagnosis – what shall work best for such a organization , their unique needs and challenges.
o   Recommendations - Organizations Status Quo and the As Is state.
o   Desired State – to be ascertained and documented - post a series of dialogues with key stakeholders.

§  Pilot Projects / initial questions to be addressed - at this stage might be –

·         How is Knowledge Acquired – can this be bettered? If yes then to what extent and Why ?
·         How is Information Channeled – how is information distributed ?
·         How is information Utilized or Interpreted ?
·         How is the Knowledge Classified ?
·         What are the classification Criterion ? Is it usage or is it confidentiality or both ?
·         Whats the Knowledge or Information storage process – where , how and for how long is information stored ?
·         Who all has access to what all Information as and when required and post approvals ?

§  Desired Behaviors that a Learning Consultant , would like to push for and inculcate at this stage of the intervention would be –

·         Ensure that the Org Learning Processes are such that they – provide continous learning opportunities
·         Promotes a culture of open dialogue and enquiry – helps employees ask the question why ?
·         Provides opportunities to collaborate and learn in groups or teams.
·         Empowers employees at various levels to be able to think together , plan & execute together  what has been learnt - in a collaborative manner.
·         The learners are connected to the external environment and have access to relevant – industry best practices
·         Senior Leadership is seen openly sponsoring the journey towards being a - Continually Learning Organization .

§  Is the Learning Strategy or Learning Plan – really impacting Org Level Productivity measures . Is there a ROI ?

·         Can we gather data and correlate the same with –
o   Total New Products produced or Services Commissioned .
o   Project costs – Increased or Decreased.
o   Project overruns – isolated effect , linked to lack of knowledge or skills .
o   Employee engagement measures – where specific to learning inputs are measured.

Write to Rohit Dhankar for further understanding the Continually Learning Organization framework …

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